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Vent - Cowled AirCore

Product Description

✔️ Retro-fitted combustion air vent for boilers, stoves and fires.

✔️ Cowl protects against excessive weather conditions and alleviates air blasts through the cavity.

✔️ Unique draught reducing panel disperses air evenly for improved comfort.

✔️ Paint or wallpaper the panel to match room décor for a discreet appearance.

✔️ External water baffle prevents the transfer of water across the cavity.

✔️ Cowl and external grille U.V. stabilised to slow down the effects of sunlight.

✔️ HETAS approved for use with solid fuel appliances.

LookRyt Panel: Patent No. GB 2490138.
11,100mm² (111cm²) Equivalent Area.


🔸 Cowl: 217mm L x 210mm H x 93mm D.

🔸 External grille: 166mm L x 160mm H.

🔸 Tube: 127mm (5″) Dia. x 358mm L.

🔸 LookRyt panel: 172mm L x 172mm H.

    FDC Code: VAC10LPCWL

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